Student activists told to be more innovative and creative
Senin, 1 November 2021 | 16:36 WIB
South Tangerang, NU Online
South Tangerang Mayor Benyamin Davnie hoped that student activists to be more innovative and creative in taking advantage of opportunities especially in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, They are in need of independence and high initiative to seize opportunities in reviving the economy.
He made the remarks while officially opening a national symposium organized by the Branch Board of the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PC PMII) Ciputat at the Ministry of Religious Affairs's Education and Training Center building Jl Ir H Juanda No 37 Cempaka Putih, East Ciputat, South Tangerang City, Banten, Sunday (31/10/2021).
In the symposium themed Building Synergy of Religious Moderation Movement to Strengthen the People's Economy, Benjamin Davnie said that the theme had several important objectives.
Among the important objectives, he said, were to find out the role of youth in finding creative solutions to various emering problems. In addition, He also encouraged students as the Agents of Change to quickly get out of the economic crisis during the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Students must of course be able to analyze and study changes that occur in all aspects such as economic, social, and cultural. If we don't care and can't handle it properly, it is feared that in the future the same mistakes will be repeated so that the economy will continue to decline," the mayor said.
The role of students, he continued, in economic recovery efforts could also be done, among others, by acting as part of economic growth by applying the theories and knowledge they have, such as increasing purchasing power or the pace of economy, especially in the UMKM sector which is currently sluggish.
"Social distancing policies and learning from home can also be used by students to be creative and innovate. Perhaps by opening a small business that can finally help the economic recovery, although not completely," he said.
"The function and the role of students are very important in maintaining strong ties between fellow components of the nation that are finally able to strengthen national resilience, especially in the social and economic fields," the man from Pandeglang explained.
The Mayor also hoped that through this activity the PMII activists could give birth to innovations, ideas, and creations in order to build synergy in the religious moderation movement.
"Especially in helping local governments to strengthen the community's economy, especially in South Tangerang City," said the former assistant to the Mayor of Airin Rachmi Diany for the past two periods.
Meanwhile, Mansur al-Farisi accompanied by two musicians from Tunas Muda called on participants to stay balanced in the face of the Covid-19 wave. One of them is through the consolidation movement and maintaining the values of the so-called gotong royong (mutual cooperation).
The Depok's Gusdurian coordinator advised to remain firm in religious moderation, be independent in attitude, and fill spaces with benefits and works.
"Hopefully we will continue to stand firm with attitudes of independence and understanding of balance," he said.
Contributor: Sania Khoirotul Aminah
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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