Fatayat NU strengthens moderate Islamic studies among millenials
Senin, 19 April 2021 | 04:57 WIB
Makassar, NU Online
The Fatayat Nahdatul Ulama (NU) chapter of Makassar City, South Sulawesi, has sought to ensure moderate Islamic studies reaching the Fatayat NU in sub-district levels by inviting the millennials. The moderate Islamic studies is aimed at preventing radicalism doctrines that could threaten the unity of the nation.
The Chairwoman of Fatayat NU Makassar City, Mutmainnah Syam made the remarks in a seminar entitled 'Women in the Vortex of Terrorism from Victims to Actors' at La Macca Hotel, Makassar City, Sunday (18/4).
According to Mutmainnah, this seminar was a response to the terrorist bombing incident at the Makassar Cathedral which involved two millennial suicide bombers. One of them is a woman.
Mutmainnah hoped the the suicide bombing committed by the woman would be the last case. On this stand, in the future she said she would educate the millennial generation by strengthening moderate Islamic knowledge.
"In the future, we from Fatayat NU Makassar City will further educate the Makassar City youth so that they are not easily indoctrinated by radical ideology," the activist of the Makassar City Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PMII) said.
To disseminate massively the understandings of moderate Islam among millennials, she would move to the sub-district levels through Fatayat NU to disseminate the study of Islam rahmatan lil alamin or moderate Islam.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Coordination Forum for the Prevention of Terrorism (FKPT) of South Sulawesi, Muammar Muhammad Bakry said, to prevent the development of the doctrines of radicalism, the public must be given a correct understanding of religion.
"This is important to do in order to minimize people who are easily indoctrinated by radical understandings," the Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law (FSH) UIN Alauddin Makassar said.
On the same occasion, the Chairman of the Ta'lif wan Nasyr Nahdlatul Ulama (LTNNU) of South Sulawesi, Syamsurijal Ad'han encouraged moderate groups to actively carry out religious moderation education to various segments of society.
According to him, the terror occurs because many people interpret religion inappropriately. They tend to interpret that jihad, for example, is only related to war, killing people because they thought they were kafirs (infidels).
Contributor: Ridwan
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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