
NU calls on millenial santri to be wise in using social media

Kamis, 17 Oktober 2019 | 21:14 WIB

NU calls on millenial santri to be wise in using social media

Chairman of PBNU KH Robikin Emhas

Jakarta, NU Online
The chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in the field of Law, Human Rights, and Legislation, KH Robikin Emhas, has called on millennials, especially santri, to be wise and polite in using social media. The reason is that social media becomes an instrument that can be used for good purposes, sharing information, building friendships, sharing knowledge and other positive things.
"Those who are Muslim, have noble character, and obey the clerics (kiai) are the santri. In today's era, the santri's nobility and obedience to their clerics can be tracked through social media. So the first screaning of santri, they must be wide in using social media," Robikin told NU Online here on Friday (18/10).
Robikin did not deny the existence of users taking advantages of social media as a means to upload utterances of hatred, insult and offend others, including in spreading hoax or fake news.
According to the Malang's Miftahul Huda Islamic Boarding School (PPMH) alumnus, Islam emphasizes the importance of being careful of using the tounge for being able to be used to reveal one's character and personality.
"Remember, your finger is your character. Your status is your tiger," he said, adding that the millennial santri should make social media as a means of propagating (da'wah) in spreading the teachings of Islam ahlussunnah wal jamaah while continuing to promote noble morals.
"I appeal to millennial santri to have good character and be wise in using social media. I have seen that social interactions of millennials tend to be more interactive and massive in cyberspace networks than in the real world. Therefore, in the millennials it is also attached the duty which I call preaching by using socila media," he said.
He also reiterated the importance of santri to be more creative in utilizing the development of digital media. Santri are also demanded to master digital literacy because it is a very urgent need in the current era. (Sudarto Murtaufiq)