Surabaya, NU Online
All Muslim women--young or old--have become the target of those propagating radical ideology. Not a few members and NU women activists from the Muslimat, Fatayat to IPPNU have deliberately been trapped into ideologies that are not in line with the teachings of Ahlussunnah wal jamaah (aswaja).<>
"This is why we hold the so-called Daurah Aswaja (Putri) to fortify NU activists and kindergarten and high school teachers (with Aswaja teachings)," Nur Ahmad Fauzi, chairman of the Organzing Committee said.
The daurah was held in the office of East Java's NU Regional Board (PWNU), Jln. Masjid Al Akbar Timur No. 9 Surabaya.
The scholarly meeting focused more on such materials as introduction to Aswaja Nahdliyah, religious practices of NU like tahlil, istighotsah, pilgrimage to graves and so forth.Â
"Many NU religious practices already have the legality of sharia," the lecturer of Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya said.
He said that there had been some NU followers not admitting that their NU tradition for some reasons.Â
"That is why with this daurah it is expected to be a fortress for NU members, especially women," Fauzi said.
Present at the occasion as speakers were, among others, Idrus Ramli, Faris and Aswaja Director of PWNU Abdurrahman Navis.
Editing by Sudarto Murtaufiq
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