Majalengka, NU Online
Some 150 homes located in Cigintung village, Malausaman subdistrict, Majalengka, West Java were swept away by landslides triggered by heavy rain on Friday (4/19). <>
In order to ease the burden of the victims, the Indonesian Islamic Students Movement (PMII) of Majalengka, an organization that was born from the womb of the country's largest mass organization, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), has raised funds at strategic points in Majalengka.
Fundraising coordinator M Taufik Pringadi said that the landslides occurred on Friday and swept away some 150 houses in Cigintung village, Majalengka.
"Of course, with the incident, the victims are in need of help as quickly as possible," he told NU Online here on Monday (4/22).
The internal meetings held by the PMII Majalengka and attended by the PMII chairman instructed all cadres to help ease the victims burden in addition to asking all PMII at lower levels to raise funds to help the victims.
"Starting on Sunday (4/21) morning at 8:00 o'clock all PMII cadres took to the streets to raise funds for victims of the landslides," he said.
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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