Youth's task is not only reading history, but also remembering and making it for a reflection. Young people have fought for independence with a very high spirit. On this stand, students must remember the history of independence which was led by the youth in the time.
Director of Student Crisis Center of Nahdlatul Ulama Student Association (IPNU) Banyuwangi, Ibnu Tsani Rosyada said at a meeting at Green Park the Ibrahimy Institute of Islamic Studies, Genteng, Banyuwangi recently.
Ibnu who is familiarly called Noe, called for the importance of organization, considering the youths had also involved themselves in organizations in fighting for the independence of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
"The most important thing in an organization is the process, and the youth as educated people are demanded to be capable of bringing change," he said, adding that today's young people are expected to be the next skillful generations.
"Of course there must be preparation to have board insights as well as works," Noe said.
According to him, there have been many ways for the youth to produce scholarly works, such as giving a view point or producing a certain product. (Ed/Masdar)
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