The Nahdlatul Ulama Higher Education Institution (LPTNU) gave awards to NU universities which are considered advanced based on both the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) and the External Quality Assurance System (SPME).
The nine PTNUs received award certificates given by the Minister of Research and Technology and Higher Education Muhammad Nasir (Kemenristek Dikti) at the LPTNU National Coordination Meeting at Savoy Homann Hotel, Bandung, Saturday (17/2).
The following are the best nine universities
1. UNU Surabaya
2. Malang Islamic University
3. Wahid Hasyim University Semarang
4. NU Islamic University Jepara
5. UNU Lampung
6. University of Science Al Quran Wonosobo
7. UNU Al Ghazali Cilacap
8. UNU Sidoarjo
9. UNU Surakarta
According to the Vice Chairman of LPTNU Muhammad Afifi the criteria for awarding the higher education institutions were based on both internal and external quality assurance. The criteria were based on the assessment of the ministry's quality assurance standard having been ranked nationally.
Afifi added, the LPTNU was committed to continuously improving the quality of education in the Nahdlatul Ulama environment. This is in accordance with the request of the chairman of LPTNU who is also the Minister of Higher Education Research.
He said that these efforts had been carried out since 2015 through accreditation clinics. For example, for universities that have not been accredited, they were encouraged to become accredited universities.
The National Coordination Meeting with the theme of PTNU's Institutional Strengthening Strategy in Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0 was held on Friday to Sunday (2/17).
The National Coordination Meeting which was attended by 257 PTNUs throughout Indonesia consisted of commission meetings, recommendations, as well as several seminars on the strengthening of human resources developemnt, the acceleration of professors for lecturers. (Abdullah Alawi/Masdar)
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