Jakarta, NU Online
Muslim leaders should not stop studying. They should continue to fill their soul with religious knowledge presented in the sermons of the Muslim scholars.<>
"This needs to be taken into account, especially by those who have been regarded by the community as preachers," the founder of the Indonesian Islamic Students Movement (PMII) KH Nuril Huda told NU Online here on Friday (10/5).
According to Kiai Nuril who may take a month for a full recovery, religious propagation is a very important mission. The community requires the presence of preachers. However, they also should not stop increasing their Islamic knowledge in religious gatherings (majlis taklim).
Propagation means conveying a message using suitable and effective tools. Throughout history all schools of thought and people trying to deliver their message to others have used different methods and tools.
In today's world extensive propagation is carried out by various schools to attract people to different thoughts and beliefs and the leaders of those schools are trying to familiarize people with their opinions and beliefs and to recruit new followers using suitable propagation tools and techniques.
Since the mission of Islam as the last and the most perfect religion is an eternal and a global mission, propagation and acquainting people with divine law and knowledge as well as giving good tidings and warning people are of high importance. That is because Islam is the religion of guidance and it has considered guidance to be of paramount importance. It is, therefore, impossible to guide people unless they are familiar with the goals, knowledge and teachings of Islam.
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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