
NU bases its orientation of struggle on kitab kuning

Ahad, 26 Mei 2013 | 08:21 WIB

Surabaya, NU Online
There have been some putting aside religious text books (popularly known Kitab Kuning). Most students (santri) have also put the works written by early Muslim scholars as additional references following the increasing pressure on compulsory assignments from their formal schools.<>

The Aswaja NU Center of the East Java's NU Regional Board (PWNU) called for the importance of Muslims, especially Nahdliyin (NU followers) to understand that the struggle of NU and early Muslim scholars in propagating the teachings of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah has been and will always be rooted in the so-called Kitab Kuning.

When the interest in studying the works written by early Muslim scholars is increasingly decreased, there will certainly be a slump and unexpected condition in Muslims, religious organizations and their work in all aspects of life.

On Saturday (25/5), there was a religious gathering at the Surabaya's PWNU headquarters to discuss a number of religious text books having so far been taught in Islamic boarding schools (pesantren).

"The gathering to study religious text books is a chain of events ahead of the PWNU Regional Conference to revive the spirit of studying the religious text books amid the condition of Muslims having no more attention to the early references," Deputy Chairman of Lawmaking Body of the PWNU KH Abdurahman Navis said.

"NU is great pesantren that bases its orientation of struggle on the works written by early Muslim scholars," Kiai Navis said, adding that the Islamic legacies had been ignored by Muslims.

"We want to emphasize that the big orientation of the NU struggle is thoroughly described in in the Kitab Kuning," the lecturur at the Surabaya's Sunan Ampel State Institute of Islamic Studies said.

Reporting by Syaifullah; Editing by Sudarto Murtaufiq