RMI PBNU completes Primary and Booster vaccinations for clerics and santri
Jumat, 28 Januari 2022 | 19:03 WIB
Jakarta, NU Online
Head of the Covid-19 Coordination Unit (Satkor) of Rabithah Ma'ahid Islamiyah (RMI) of Nahdlatul Ulama Ulun Nuha emphasized that he would continue to coordinate with the NU Cares for Covid-19 Task Force and Baznas to complete primary vaccinations for all santri (students) in a number of Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) affiliated with NU. In addition, the provision of booster vaccinations for clerics (kiai) and pesantren teachers would also be carried out.
"Currently we are getting quite a lot of requests from Islamic boarding schools to get boosters. We are preparing again, synergizing with the NU Cares for Covid-19 Task Force and Baznas considering that the access to primary doses is good. God willing, this will become a strong fortress for pesantren," said Ulun during a national webinar entitled When will the Covid-19 pandemic end amid the emergence of the Omicron variant?, Thursday (27/1/2022).
Ulun said that more than 800 clerics died during the Covid-19 pandemic. "After a sharp increase in June and July 2021, until the end of December 2021 there were some 812 clerics who died during the pandemic," said Ulun Nuha.
The figure, continued Ulun, was always relevant to the number of cases that are currently happening. For example, in June 2021, when the Delta variant entered and caused a spike in cases, its peak occurred in July 2021. "During the Delta's peak, the number of clerics who died increased sharply," explained Ulun.
Previously, in May 2021, Ulun said the number of clerics who died at that time was 456 people and increased at the end of June to 546 people. "There were almost 100 clerics who died in June. In July it was even more sad," he said.
By the end of July, 754 clerics died. This means, continued Ulun, within a month there were 208 clerics who died. Then, in August the number decreased to 30 people.
The decline has continued. In September 2021, Ulun said there were 24 clerics who died. In October there were 5 people, in November there were 3 people, in December there were 4 people died.
"After December, hopely it will be stable. But, unfortunately the number in early January 2022 increased again. So far, 12 clerics have died," said Ulun.
Contributor: Nuriel Shiami Indiraphasa
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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