In the midst of technological development, it is time for santri to play their role as such trendsetters instead of only becoming followers, especially in dealing with social media.
KH Abdul Ghoffar Rozin, populatry known as Gus Rozin, Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama Rabithah Ma'ahid Islamiyyah (RMI) in the Santri Day meeting on "Santri Urban Carnical" at the Surabaya's Maspion Square on Wednesday (25/10).
In the meeting taking up the issue "E-Literacy for Strengthening Education" moderated by Munawir Aziz (LTN NU / Islam Nusantara resaercher), present on the occasion as speakers were M. Hasan Chabibie (Ministry of Education and Culture), H. Ahmad Athoillah (Committee Chief of Hari Santri), KH. Lukman Haris Dimyati (Chairman of Ayo Mondok Movement, Pesantren Tremas Pacitan), Gus Reza Ahmad (Chairman of RMI East Java), and some pesantren leaders in East Java.
Gus Rozin called on santri today to be confident and continue to develop creativity.
"Today's santri has a challenge in the digital world, we have instruments to develop ourselves, information technology is only a tool, as a means, and it must be used appropriately in accordance with its context," Gus Rozin said.
Gus Rozien said that that pesantren had a strong culture of knowledge, and had remained relevant in today's digital development.
"Pesantren have a tradition of sanad to keep their knowledge, and there should be santri formulating Jurisprudence of Social Media, by among others, exploring the sanad method for information accuracy," the leader of pesantren Maslakul Huda, Kajen Pati, Central Java said.
Meanwhile, Hasan Chabibie explained that the acceleration of technology must be addressed optimistically.
"Such media as television and radio are in need of 20 to 30 years to influence the public," he said, adding that the santri community should be ready with this development, be actors who are capable of coloring social media. On the other hand, the pesantren community should has a good 'knowledge management', to inherit the pesantren knowledge across generations. (Masdar)
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