Jakarta, NU Online
Although Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) had left the Islamic adherents in particular and mankind in general more than 14 centuries ago, a lot of good lessons can be learned from his Holy books to be applied in daily life.
Prophet Muhammad has given good examples among others honesty, politeness, tolerance and opposing any violence. The apostle passed away at the age of 63.
Thus, in a bid to be honest, very polite, tolerant and dislike actions of violence, everyone should learn from what Prophet Muhammad had thought, said President Joko Widodo, who is better know as Jokowi when commemorating the birthday of Prophet Muhammad in the State Palace on Wednesday evening.
"I believe, by imitating the Apostle, Indonesia will become a prosperous nation," the President Jokowi pointed out.
On the occasion, the head of state also reminded Muslims to become the best people who continue to build social solidarity.
Prophet Muhammad was born at Mecca, Sudi Arabia, in 570 A.D of good parents.
He was born as the posthumous son of Abdullah ibn Abdul Mutthalib in the year of Elephant in Mecca some fifty five days after the attack of Abraha al Ashram, the viceroy of Yaman on that city corresponding to 570 of common era.
The commemoration of Prophet Muhammads birth day, popularly called "Maulid Nabi" in Indonesia, is held by Muslims across the country, from Sabang in the western-most province of Aceh to Papua to the eastrern-most province of Papua.
In the meantime, Vice President Jusuf Kalla in commemorating the Maulid Nabi in Istiqlal Grand Mosque in Jakarta on Thursday (Dec 24) pointed out that the example of Prophet Muhammads leadership to all mankind, not only Muslims.
"The apostle has taught us a lot of different facets of life," Kalla who is concurrently general chairman of the Indonesian Mosque Council explained.
Meanwhile, thousands of Muslims coming from several areas in Jakarta and its environs, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) attended the Maulid Nabi event at the Bung Karno sports stadium on Wednesday night.
The Maulid Nabi event was held by Nurul Mushtofa Islamic group led by Alhabib Hasan bin Jafar Assegaf.
In Biak Numfor, Papua Provonce, thousands of Muslims attended the Maulid Nabi event by conducting mass praying in the Baiturrahman great mosque.
A great number of Muslims in Ternate, North Maluku provicne also performed the Maulid Nabi function.
On the commemoration of Prophet Muhammads birth day in Mojokerto, East Java, Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa extended a grant amounting Rp1 billion to the Collective Enterprises Group (Kube).
The grant was handed to 50 units of Kube in Mojokerto on Thursday.
This year, the commemoration of the Muhammads birthday is held just a day before Christmas celebrations in various parts of the country. (masdar)
Nabi Musa Menangis saat Tahu Umat Rasulullah Lebih Mulia Ketimbang Umatnya
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Data Hilal Penentuan Awal Bulan Syaban 1446 H
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