Indonesia in pursuing the progress and welfare of the people must rely on the demand of the universality of the A-Quran, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has stated.
"The Al-Quran becomes a blessing, not only for the Arabs, but for all mankind in the world. Therefore, (we need to) imitate the Prophet (Muhammad) in building our nation and state," the president remarked in his speech at the Nuzul Quran (day commemorating the descent of Al-Quran) at the State Palace, here Monday night.
The president revealed that in the commemoration of the "Nuzulul Quran", two things should always be reminded, namely to step up the worship to Allah (God Almighty) and take the exemplary Messenger of Allah (Prophet) on the motion of taking the value of the universality of the Quran to transform the Arab people to become civilized, and become a developed nation.
"We will be the religious sinners if we snap at orphans. We will be the religious sinners if we do not care about our poor brothers. And we will be religious sinners if we commit mischief on the earth," Jokowi reminded.
To that extent, the government continues to focus on improving equitable economic distribution, reducing poverty, combating radicalism, combating terrorism and whopping the communism, the president went on to say.
The Quran teaches to be "taawwudh" (modest), cooperate and help each other in everyday aspects of life, he explained.
"The Al-Quran teaches us to work hard, to change (improve) our fate, to change the destiny of our nation, Indonesia. Therefore, the government works hard to build the infrastructure, build relations connectivity in the homeland to reduce logistics costs, so the price difference among regions is not too far away, meaning evenly," the president disclosed.
Apart from that, the government has also issued a policy of economic equity through the distribution of assets for people to have land, easy access to capital and a massive advocacy education, Jokowi said.
"The government also plans to develop the economy of the people through the Islamic finance based on the waqf system, but this is still in the process of being resolved," he stated.
With the guidance of the Al-Quran it has become the nature of the Indonesian nation to live in diversity, tribal diversity, religious diversity, racial diversity and diversity of groups, the president also said on the occasion.
"It is a gift of God given to us. And we are obliged to take care of what has become the grace of Allah (God). We are obliged to take care of the Bhineka Tunggal Ika (unity in diversity)," he added. (Antara/Masdar)
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