Bandung, NU Online
New Member Acceptance Period (Mapaba) XVI of the Indonesian Islamic Students Movement (PMII) of the Nusantara Islamic University (Uninus) Commissariat was attended by one of its founders, KH Nuril Huda.<>
The Mapaba themed The Movement of Ideologization versus Deregeneration and Globalization was held at the office of West Java Regional Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU), Bandung, Friday (19/10) to Sunday (21/10).
On that occasion, KH Nuril Huda came on Saturday, (20/10), telling the history of PMII in 1960. At that time, there were four strongest parties, namely the PNI, NU, Masyumi, and PKI.
"Every party has cadres among students, PNI has GMNI, Masyumi has HMI, PKI has CGMI, NU has no a party," he said.
Then he along with 13 NU students met with the Chairman of PBNU in the time, KH Idham Cholid, to ask whether it's necessary or not for NU students to establish an organization.
"It is necessary!" kiai Idham who had led NU for 25 years said. His aswer was echoed by a member of Lawmaking body (Syuriyah) of PBNU in the time, KH Anwar Musaddad.
Thus, KH Nuril continued, PMII was the legitimate son of NU. Although PMII is structurally separated, essentially it is still the son of NU.
"It's just a strategy. The common thread has remained existing, it's remained the son of NU," the Lamongan-born cleric said.
As the son of NU, then PMII is an intellectual organization based on Ahlus Sunnah wal-Jama'ah. That's why he explained the differences in religious beliefs in Islam that grow in various organizations in Indonesia.
Mapaba was participated by some 80 students in addition to being participated by other students from campuses around Bandung.
Editor : Sudarto Murtaufiq
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