People stand along Surabaya-Jombang street to welcome the body of KH Wahid Hasyim
Selasa, 20 April 2021 | 06:20 WIB
When Pak Wahid (KH. Wahid Hasyim) went and rubbed his head, he said, "Anyway, just follow what your mother said!" No one knew at all that it was his father's last message.
Even Umar Wahid, when he was 8 years old at the time, was still unaware when he heard the news that his father had just had an accident in Cimahi. He could still play in the rental house in Matraman. At 11-12 noon, the family heard the so-called "Sari Berita Penting" (important news) on the radio, and it was reported that the former Minister of Religious Affairs died in an accident on 19 April 1953.
Pak Wahid's body was flown by plane to Surabaya accompanied by his family. "It was the first time we boarded the plane. But there was no happiness at all," Pak Umar said.
There was something that caught his attention at that time, people were lining the road from Surabaya to Jombang, so the journey was slow. People asked the group following the Pak Wahid's body to stop and wanted to offer prayers at the local mosques, but of course that wish could not be fulfilled, the Kiai Wahid's body had been waiting for a long time and had to be buried immediately. Finally the people could only stand staring sadly, praying and waving.
Gus Dur told Pak Umar at a later date, "People did respect to (our) father, not because he was a minister. The people (at that time) did not know what a minister was. Nor because he were the son of Hadhratus Syeikh (Hasyim Asy'ari). They did like that because (our) father did understand community affairs, knew the needs of community, and was willing to fight for the interests of community."
Pak Wahid was declared dead on April 19, 1953 at the age of 39. Ms. Sholihah, who was still 31 years old and graduated from Tsanawiyah at that time, was looking after 5 children and 1 child that was still in the womb. The eldest son, Gus Dur (KH Abdurrahman Wahid), was still 13 years old. Many offered help to the family at that time, but Pak Wahid's wife only replied, "Yes, later if we need it." Al Fatihah...
This was summarized from Pak Umar Wahid's statements on April 19, 2021. There was also interesting statements stated by the seniors in this forum. One of the reasons why NU left Masyumi a year before Pak Wahid died was because at that time NU's role was limited to religious matters. Perhaps it is the same as today. (A. Khoirul Anam)
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