Ansor proposes names in would-be ahlul halli wal aqdi
Jumat, 19 Juni 2015 | 06:46 WIB
Jakarta, NU Online
General Chairman of the Ansor Youth Movement (GP Ansor) proposed 20 senior clerics to be involved in the so-called Ahlul Halli wal Aqdi (Ahwa) to select the General Chairman of the Advisory Board (Rais Aam) at the NU 33rd congress that will be held in Jombang on 1-5 August 2015.
"The supreme leader in NU indeed is Syuriyah (Advisory Board). While Tanfidziyah is the executive board," Nusron told reporters here on Thursday (18/6).
"We propose several names of senior clerics having no doubt the commitment and righteous intention to uphold NU and the people so far," he said.
The senior clerics are as follows:
1. KH Muchith Muzadi, Jember
2. KH M Tolchah Hasan, Malang
3. KH Nawawi Abdul Jalil, Pasuruan
4. KH Anwar Mansur, Lirboyo Kediri
5. KH Nurul Huda Djazuli, Ploso Kediri
6. KH Maemun Zubair, Sarang, Rembang
7. KH Sya’roni Ahmadi, Kudus
8. KH Dimyati Rois, Kendal
9. Habib Luthfi bin Yahya, Pekalongan
10. KH Sanusi Baco, Makassar
11. KH Ma’ruf Amin, Jakarta
12. KH Muhtadi Dimyati, Banten
13. KH Ahmad Shodiq, East Lampung
14. KH Mahtum Hanan, Babakan Ciwaringin Cirebon
15. KH Nuh Adawwami, Garut
16. Tuan Guru Turmudzi Badrudin, Lombok
17. KH Kholilurrahman, Martapura
18. KH Mudarris, South Sumatera
19. KH Mahmudin Pasaribu, Musthofawiyah North Sumatera
20. KH Bagindo Letter, West Sumatera
Meanwhile, the Branch Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) Rembang formerly agreed with the concept of so-called Ahlul Halli wal Aqdi (Ahwa) to be applied in the upcoming NU 33rd Congress. The process of recruiting new leaders in NU through a team has been discussed on many occasions, including the 2014 National Conference of the largest Muslim organization in the country.
On this stand, PCNU Rembang proposed a number of requirements or conditions for those who are considerably worthy of entry on the list of Ahwa members.
The Vice Chairman of PCNU Rembang H Adib Bisri Hattani said that the conditions were, among others, elderly, pious, and having a good track record for having contributed to the ummah (people).
The Ahwa members, he said, should be able to show their affection to the ummah in addition to being able to carry out their mandated tasks by "continuing to maintain the confidence in the jam'iyah (organization) of Nahdlatul Ulama."
In addition, they should be pious and have broad religious understanding in addition to being ascetic (zuhud) and wira'i (abstinence). (masdar)
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