Innalillahi, Buntet Pesantren Leader KH Tobroni Mutaad Passes away
Senin, 26 November 2018 | 00:13 WIB
Buntet Pesantren (Islamic boarding school) Cirebon is in mourning following the death of charismatic leader of Buntet Pesantren KH Tobroni Mutaad on Saturday night (25/11) at the Pelabuhan Hospital, Cirebon.
The sad news was delivered directly by his son Wawan Sofwani via a Whatsapp group of teachers of the Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic Senior High School (MANU) Putra Buntet Pesantren.
"Innalillahi wa innailaihi rojiun, my father passed away. (We do) apologize if the late made a lot of mistakes (in his life)," he wrote.
KH Tobroni Mutaad is a cleric who is considered excellent and to be an expert in the field of so-called nahwu and fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), especially faraid. Te taught the two disciplines since his youth.
In addition, Kiai Tobroni also made two papers in the two scientific fields. In the Nahwu field, he compiled a book called Diktat Nahwiyah. He taught the Al jurumiyah, littered fully with sources from the so-called Alfiyah ibn Malik.
In the field of Faraid he composed in the form of Arabic-language nazam. He named the book Qatiratun Nadlaid fi Ilmil Faraidl. (Syakir NF / Masdar)
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