Issues of diasability will be taken up at NU national meeting
Jumat, 6 Oktober 2017 | 16:13 WIB
General Chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) KH Said Aqil Siroj said that the disability issue would be brought to the National Meeting of the largest muslim organization in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara in November ahead.
"Insyaallah later in the National Meeting we will also propose NU to build a mosque friendly with disabled people," Kiai Said said at a meeting taking up issues on People with Disabilities in Pesantren Al-Tsaqofah Ciganjur, South Jakarta, Friday 6/10).
According to Kiai Said, people with disabilities should be touched and cared for.
"We will propose, especially if I meet the President, I will say that there are Indonesian citizens, NU members who haveg strong faith, high morality and spirit," the alumnus of Ummul Quro' University, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, said.
At the event held by the Rabithah Ma'ahid Islamiyah of Nahdlatul Ulama (RMI NU), Kiai Said did welcome any activities discussing about people with disabilities.
"Pesantren Al-Tsaqofah welcomes this event," (Husni Sahal / Masdar)
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