Kiai Said calls on NU administrators to maintain three principles
Rabu, 17 November 2021 | 10:46 WIB
Syifa Arrahmah
Jakarta, NU Online
General Chairman of the Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) KH Said Aqil Siroj (Kiai Said) attended the inauguration of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) Branch Board of Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, Wednesday (17/11/2021). He called on NU administrators not to issue a fatwa (verdict) before knowing the emerging issues.
For him, the simplest measure of dealing with the (religious) issues is understanding the yellow book (traditional religious books). Never just issue a fatwa if you don't know the issues. Look at the so-called masdar, maraji' (references). Look at the so-called kutubutturots (religious books and legacies)," said Kiai Said.
This is emphasized because NU has a deep scientific background. Especially with the books of the salaf which are widely studied and used as references by NU. Therefore, Kiai Said encouraged NU administrators at every level to be able to read the yellow books ((traditional religious books).
"Syuriyah (Advisory Board) at the branch level, then at the regional level, especially at the central level, must be able to read the yellow book," said the leader of the Al Tsaqafah Islamic Boarding School in Ciganjur, South Jakarta.
On that occasion, Kiai Said also conveyed three messages to the newly appointed NU administrators. First, he requested that NU cadres and administrators of Sukoharjo Regency continue to maintain the ruhud diniyah (religious spirit).
“Maintaining the ruhud diniyah with good religious practices. So, it is not only a matter of hajj and umrah, but also a matter of morals and cultural nobility," explained the Professor of Sufism at the State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, East Java.
Second, he continued, NU cadres and administrators should maintain the spirit of wathaniyah (national spirit). Because for NU nationalism is part of faith. Therefore, the national spirit must go hand in hand with the religious spirit.
"Third, maintaining the spirit of humanity. Those who are non-Muslims, who differ in ethnicity, language, and culture, are (still) brothers in humanity,” explained the cleric from Cirebon.
Regarding the human spirit, he reminded that Muslims must be aware of the destiny of diversity in society. Moreover, Indonesia is a country with a high level of ethnic, customs, religious and cultural diversity.
"From the religious spirit, let's take its spirit. It's not just legal (matter)," added Kiai Said.
The inauguration of the Sukoharjo's PCNU took place at the Sukoharjo Vocational School in Serut Village, Nguter District, Sukoharjo Regency. Although it is carried out in a building that is still under construction, it does not reduce the solemnity of the inauguration procession.
Previously, the Branch Conference VII of the Sukoharjo's PCNU last May again named KH Abdullah Faishol as Rais Syuriyah and H Khomsun Nur Arif as Chairman of Tanfidziyah.
Contributor: Syifa Arrahmah
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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