Kiai Said lays first stone of NTT PWNU building in Kupang
Ahad, 14 November 2021 | 05:56 WIB
Syifa Arrahmah
Jakarta, NU Online
General Chairman of the Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) KH Said Aqil Siroj (Kiai Said) directly led the laying of the first stone for the construction of the so-called Graha Aswaja PWNU of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) on Jl Hati Mulia, Kota Kupang, NTT, on Sunday (11/14/2021) morning.
In his remarks, Kiai Said said that he was proud and expressed his appreciation that finally the Rebional Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU) of NTT would soon have its own building that was more representative and permanent.
"Hopefully this is a blessing for all of us. We live (and) must keep moving, must play a role, not on the periphery. (We) must involve (ourselves) in the community, in any field," Kiai Said said.
According to the construction committee, Graha Aswaja, which will also be the office of PWNU NTT, will be built on three floors.
“Graha Aswaja will be built on land which is a grant from the NTT Provincial Government. Alhamdulillah, hopefully this will be the beginning of the future for Nahdliyin in NTT to move forward. It's not considered just a religious gathering group," the chairman of PWNU NTT, H Pua Monto Umbu Nay said.
This is a series of events for the 1st Regional Work Meeting (Muskerwil) of the PWNU NTT for the 2021-2026 period.
Also present at the groundbreaking ceremony were PBNU Chairman Habib Muhammad bin Salim Al Jufri, Rais Syuriyah of PWNU NTT KH Ali Rosyidi Hasbullah, chairmen of PCNU throughout NTT, as well as the ranks of the PWNU institutions and autonomous bodies.
Contributor: Syifa Arrahmah
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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