NU and Baznas RI Lay first stone to build a healthy house
Senin, 15 November 2021 | 13:45 WIB
Jakarta, NU Online
The Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) and the Indonesian National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and laid the first stone for the construction of the Baznas-NU Healthy House, on Jalan Kawi-Kawi Bawah A No. 41, Johar Baru, Central Jakarta, Monday (15/11/2021).
“Alhamdulillah, this afternoon we signed an MoU between the Baznas RI and NU to build a healthy house on this Kawi-Kawi (road). Although it may seem simple, we have already started and done a lot. We have completed many programs," said PBNU General Chairman KH Said Aqil Siroj, after laying the first stone with Baznas Chairman KH Noor Achmad accompanied by several Baznas leaders and PBNU daily administrators.
Kiai Said said that currently PBNU already had seven hospitals. The construction of a healthy house with Baznas will be the eighth health service with the ownership in the name of PBNU. He emphasized that health was a priority during this Covid-19 pandemic.
“Health principles are very important, especially in this pandemic. It feels like we have a shortage of hospitals, a shortage of health workers. (And) all RSNUs have concentrated on handling the Covid-19 pandemic, such as in Demak, Jepara, Tuban, Kediri, Surabaya," explained Kiai Said.
The construction of the Baznas-NU Healthy House is estimated to cost Rp 10 billion. But Kiai Said did not mind as long as it was used for the benefit and the sake of many people.
"The important thing is that zakat money is distributed for the benefit of Muslims. We can be responsible, that's important, (it must) not be corrupted. Hopefully (in coming) 6-7 months the construction has already been completed. The health workers are from PBNU and will be assisted by Baznas," he said.
He emphasized that PBNU was committed to the health of the people, especially those from the Nahdliyin (NU Members). During the Covid-19 pandemic, there have been many health workers and volunteers from NU who have participated in the struggle. One of them is from the NU Health Institute (LK).
"There have been a lot of our health workers struggling with Covid-19 so far, LKNU together with the TNI-Polri carried out vaccinations. Many. We really care (on health),” said Kiai Said.
The chairman of the Baznas-NU Healthy House Construction Committee, H Mardini, confirmed that he had a certificate of right to use the building in the name of PBNU.
He explained that the construction was in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 9 of 2014 concerning Clinics.
In the regulation, there are several requirements that must be fulfilled by the Baznas-NU Health House. These include building room standards and clinical infrastructure. On Jalan Kawi-Kawi it will be built around 1240 square meters. While the land area is 590 square meters.
"But what will be built is 1240 square meters, plus parking infrastructure to 1,570 square meters," explained Mardini.
On the first floor, there will be several rooms. These include registration rooms, pharmacies, cashiers, general practitioners, dentists, emergency rooms, waiting rooms, toilets, warehouses, car parks, and stairs. Meanwhile, on the second floor there will be a doctor's room, an ultrasound room, and a post-natal inpatient room.
“So here there is a delivery so there is a post-delivery room. (Then on the second floor) there are nurse rooms, administration, offices, laboratories, breastfeeding rooms, male and female toilets, kitchens, and other service rooms. On the third floor, there are 18 guest rooms. Including the bathroom, stairs," explained Mardini.
On the fourth floor, it is the same as the third floor, there are 18 guest rooms. However, the fourth floor will be reserved for Nahdliyin who come to Jakarta but do not have a place to live.
"God willing, this healthy house will be equipped with an elevator that we will use," explained the chairman of the PBNU Land and Endowment Institution (LWP).
According to Mardini, the estimated cost for the construction of the Baznas-NU Health House is the cost to build the first floor with an area of 1240 square meters is Rp.992 million. The second floor with an area of 400 square meters is Rp 1.574 billion. While the third floor with an area of 295 square meters is Rp1.185 billion. Then the fourth floor covering an area of 295 square meters is Rp. 1.485 billion.
“(And) there are other supporting infrastructures, namely parking and corridors, as well as the back room which has 330 square meters, approximately Rp. 405 million. Including foundations and engineering mechanics, it is around Rp. 7,721 billion," he explained.
"In addition to the equipments of doctors or facilities for the Baznas-NU Healthy House, it is approximately Rp. 2.5 billion. So the total is approximately Rp. 10.2 billion. The funds for the construction of this healthy house will be supported by the Baznas," added Mardini.
On this occasion, several PBNU daily administrators were present, including the PBNU Chairman H Robikin Emhas and dr H Syahrizal Syarif, PBNU General Treasurer H Bina Suhendra, PBNU Deputy Secretary General H Andi Najmi Fuaidi and Ulil Abshar Hadrawi.
Also present were the Chairman of the PBNU Covid-19 Task Force Dr. Makky Zamzami, the Chairman of the Jakarta's PWNU KH Samsul Ma'arif, the Chairman of the Central Jakarta's PCNU Gus Syaifuddin, and the Head of the Johar Baru Siwanto, as well as the Baznas leaders.
Reporter: Aru Lego Triono
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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