Ministry launches Al-Qur'an writing event
Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016 | 00:16 WIB
Jakarta, NU Online
The Ministry of Religious Affairs will launch an Al-Qur'an page writing event to meet the National "Santri" (Islamic boarding school students) Day on October 22.
"Through this program we would like to make Muslims understand Al-Qur'an better and implement its teachings in their daily life," Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifudin was quoted by Antara news agency as saying here on Wednesday.
Promoting Al-Qur'an in the society, he said, could be done by building a habit to write, study, discuss and implement the values contained in it. The minister added the program was aimed at building the Indonesians' character.
The Al-Qur'an writing program is launched simultaneously from the central Ministry down to local levels. The program involves some 40,128 Islamic boarding schools' students across the country.
"Each student will write two pages from Al-Qur'an in an hour and so tens of pages will be produced simultaneously within the period," Lukman said.
He said each province could contribute a sheet of an Al-Qur'an page which will be collected in the form of a book and delivered to President Joko Widodo at the National Santri Day event in Serang, Banten province, on October 22, 2016. (Masdar)
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