Chairman of the Dakwah Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) KH Cholil Nafis said, dakwah is the spearhead of the image of Islam because many people have heard the teachings of Islam from da'wah activities. He hoped, da'wah must be done effectively so that its goals could easily be achieved.
One of the goals of dakwah is to invite people to believe in the oneness of God, comply with the Islamic law (syaria) and to achieve happiness in the world and the hereafter.
Kiai Cholil of the the opinion that there were at least four things that must be considered for dakwah to run effectively. First, competence. A preacher (dai) must have a capability, especially in terms of religious knowledge in addition to paying more attention to his behavior reflecting what he preaches.
"A dai must have integrity of qalbu, oral, charity and social," Kiai Cholil told NU Online in Jakarta, Tuesday (12/9).
Second, da'wah method. A preacher should use dakwah methods in accordance with the object of da'wah and community. For example preaching among the academics, then the dakwah method could be used in such forms of discussion, seminar and even debate by presenting the emerging facts.
Third, dakwah material. Kiai Cholil asserted, in conveying the truth or dakwah material, a preacher must convey it appropriately and wisely.
"It is not permissible (for a preacher) to propagate goodness by insulting (others) and build society through a means of defamation," he explained.
Fourth, the dakwah code of ethics. He added that a preacher must be able to unite his thoughts, words, and actions. "The heart of a preacher must be straight and his aqidah should be true. His speech should be gentle, meaningful and authoritative, and enlighten the people," he concluded. (Muchlishon Rochmat / Masdar)
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