
NU: Indonesia and Malaysia have potential to lead Islamic world

Kamis, 5 November 2015 | 02:33 WIB

Kuala Lumpur, NU Online
Secretary General of Nahdlatul Ulama-sponsored International Conference of Islamic Scholars (ICIS), KH Hasyim Muzadi, said Indonesia and Malaysia have potential to lead the Islamic world toward peace and humanity without losing the Islamic identity.
This statement was made by the member of Presidential Advisory Council after meeting the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Sri Mohamad Najib Tun Abdul Rajak and Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on the 11th World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) in Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday (3/11).

In this occasion, the member of the Advisory Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) invited the two Malaysian leaders to attend 4th ICIS that would be held on 23rd to 24th November at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, East Java. The conference, which would be followed by Muslim scholars from 32 countries in the world, aimed to strengthen the Islamic moderation world (Wasathiyah Islamiyah)

The wasathiyyah was not only in the field of Islamic laws, but also in the fields of economics, politics, laws and cultures in a country. On the other side, world Islamic figures also should be thinking about economic development.

"Poverty and radicalism bring the country to collapse," said Hasyim, Monday (3/11).

Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the Islamic world should be encouraged to uphold the principles of Islamic moderation. Another important thing was Islam must be able to be independent in economic empowerment.

"A strong and well-established economy is one of the keys to advancing Islamic countries," he said. (masdar)