
NU: Indonesia not easily be destroyed if Muslims stay united

Kamis, 4 Oktober 2018 | 03:55 WIB

Jakarta, NU Online
Former secretary general of the Lawmaking Body of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) KH Nasaruddin Umar, popularly known as kiai Nasar, said that Indonesian Muslims had an important role in maintaining the integrity of the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

According to kiai Nasar, Indonesia could not easily be destroyed if the Muslims were strong. Conversely, if Indonesian Muslims are destroyed then Indonesia will also be destroyed.

"As long as (the Indonesian) Muslims are strong, Indonesia cannot be destroyed," Kiai Nasar said here on Wednesday (3/10).

He was of the opinion that though many futurologists predicted that Indonesia will be destroyed into a small country, as happened in the Balkans, the Soviet Union or Yugoslavia, the fact is that to this day, Indonesia has remained united.

"We must be vigilant. As long as Muslims are strong, Indonesia will be strong. But if Muslims are fragile, it's the beginning of destruction," the Grand Imam of the Jakarta's Istiqlal Mosque said.

The professor at the State Islamic University Jakarta added that there had been parties who do not like if Indonesia could stay united. They will take various ways to make Indonesia trapped into ruin. One of them is by propagating devide et impera among fellow Muslims. besides, Muslims are also being messed up so that they are scattered.

He hoped that Indonesian Muslims who understand Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah must continue to be strengthened and maintained for the sake of the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia. (Muchlishon/Masdar)