Jakarta, NU Online
The official website of Nahdlatul Ulama is 18 years old on July 11, 2021. Various hopes emerged from many parties, including the leaders of the Nahdlatul Ulama Special Branch Management (PCINU) in several countries. They hope that NU Online can be more global.
The chairman of PCINU Australia-New Zealand Yusdi Maksum admitted that he was waiting for NU Online to publish articles in English. The goal is to provide greater benefits to the NU community in the world, especially Australia and New Zealand. Furthermore, he supports NU Online to remain istiqamah (consistent).
"We support NU Online to be the leading online source that continues to consistently publish discourses, Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah writings and Nahdliyah practices taught by NU scholars," said Yusdi in a video received by NU Online, Sunday (11/7).
Similar hopes also came from the Panzer Country. Chairman of the German PCINU Muhammad Rodlin Billah hopes that NU Online will always be a reference for NU citizens in Indonesia and around the world.
“I hope that NU Online will always be a reference medium, especially for Nahdliyin wherever they are, and generally for Muslims, both in Indonesia and around the world. Hopefully NU Online will be more successful in the future," he said.
Furthermore, the Chairman of the Sudanese PCINU Muhammad Hibatullah Zain turned to express his hope at the 18th Birthday of NU Online. He hopes that NU Online can become a digital medium for the pride of Nahdliyin citizens around the world.
"(Being) a credible, actual, and reliable digital media, and always enlightens and brings benefits to the people of Indonesia and even people in the world," he said.
A similar hope was also presented from Alauddin, Chairman of PCINU Pakistan. He hopes that NU Online can become the face of a moderate, tolerant, and balanced NU in the international level.
"Hopefully (NU Online) will be more advanced, more successful, increasingly bringing NU to go internationally," he said.
The expectations of PCINU administrators in various parts of the world are in line with the message conveyed by Nahdlatul Ulama Supreme council Secretary-General KH Yahya Cholil Staquf. According to him, there are still two homeworks that must be done by the NU Online crew.
The first homework that NU Online must do at the age of 18 is to develop its network to a global level. According to Gus Yahya, this kind of work will be even harder.
“In the future, there will still be much harder work to do. NU Online must develop its landmarking area, not only on an Indonesian scope, but also on an international scope,” he hoped.
Second, NU Online as a whole is remind all the readers that the transfer of religious knowledge can only be done if there is a meeting between teachers and students.
"It should be emphasized to NU Online users that this digital information is only a record store. Meanwhile, the actual transfer of knowledge can only occur through the talaqqi chain or the meeting of teachers and students, as friends meet with the Messenger of Allah,” explained Gus Yahya, his nickname.
Reporter: Aru Lego Triono
Editor: Muhammad Faizin
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