Receiving 1.4 billion from East Java, donations for NU Congress amounted to 6.1 billion
Kamis, 11 November 2021 | 14:28 WIB
Kendi Setiawan
Jakarta, NU Online
The Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) received the NU 34th Congress Coin funds from NU Care-LAZISNU of East Java, Wednesday (10/11/2021). The amount of funds was Rp. 1,418,107,958 and was the result of raising funds until October 2021.
The handover was symbolically delivered by the Chairman of NU Care-LAZISNU of East Java A. Afif Amrullah at the PBNU headquarters to Rais Aam (Supreme Leader) of PBNU KH Miftachul Akhyar (Kiai Miftach) who was then handed over to the PBNU General Treasurer, H Bina Suhendra.
Also witnessing at the occasion were the Secretary of the Advisory Board (Syuriyah) of PBNU H Miftah Faqih, PBNU Chairman Umar Syah, NU Care-LAZISNU Treasurer H Abdullah Mas'ud, NU Care-LAZISNU Program Manager Nur Hasan, Chairman of the Central Java's NU Care-LAZISNU H Muhammad Mahsun.
Rais 'Aam PBNU KH Miftachul Akhyar admitted that he was happy and proud of the fundraising through the NU Congress Coin, which was carried out by East Java's NU members (Nahdliyin).
"We from PBNU are very happy that there is the handover of the Congress Coin, the amount of which in the first stage reaches Rp. 1.4 billion, a large amount and is still being reopened for the next stage, this is the extraordinary spirit of the Nahdliyin," Kiai Miftah said.
Kiai Miftah mentioned the NU Congress as a big five-year event determining the direction and the future of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), showing its success with evidence of financing from the Congress Coin that marks the NU independence.
He hoped that the handover of funds from the NU Congress Coins conducted by NU Care LAZISNU of East Java would spur the same enthusiasm from other NU members of other provinces.
"This is a big blessing for which we must be grateful and a motivation for LAZISNUs in all provinces to follow in the footsteps of what has been done by LAZISNU throughout East Java and several other institutions/autonomous bodies that have an interest in the congress," Kiai Miftah said.
Kiai Miftah also mentioned that the NU Congress Coin raising carried out during the Covid-19 period, which is a difficult time including for NU members, would be worth a large and multiplied reward.
"To all who have given support, shadaqah and charity for the success of the congress, may Allah swt accept it. And to all LAZISNU administrators may they always be given strength, convenience, and enthusiasm by continuing to burn for the sake of Izzul Islam wal Muslimin, wa Nahdlatil Ulama wa Nahdliyin wa Nahdliyat," Kiai Miftah said.
Meanwhile, the treasurer of NU Care-LAZISNU H Abdullah Masud explained, previously NU Care-LAZISNU had submitted the results of the Congress Coin raising to the NU Congress Committee in Lampung Province.
Until now, the assistance raised through NU Care-LAZISNUs nationally has been worth R.p 6.1 billion. This figure is the accumulation of digital fundraising, fundraising through transfer to LAZISNU accounts, donations from PBNU management, and food aid.
During the rest of the time leading up to the NU Congress, NU Care-LAZISNU has continued to maximize the Congress Coin raising through the program.
The Chairman of NU Care-LAZISNU of East Java, Afif Amrullah said the funds handed over were the first stage of the Congress Coin fundraising in collaboration with NU institutions and agencies such as Fatayat NU, Muslimat, and Ma'arif NU.
According to him, there are several districts that have not reported the results of the Congress Coin fundraising. Therefore, the handover of the first stage is expected to further socialize and maximize the raising of the next stages.
Reporter: Kendi Setiawan
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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