UNISMA rector elected as chairman of Rectors' Forum of LPTNU
Ahad, 17 Februari 2019 | 09:51 WIB
Bandung, NU Online
The rector of Malang Islamic University (UNISMA) Prof. Dr. H. Masykuri, M.Si was elected by acclamation as general chairman of the Rectors' Forum of Nahdlatul Ulama Higher Education Institutions (LPTNU) throughout Indonesia at a meeting in Bandung recently.
He said he would be committed to bridging the government policies on education, especially for the sake of the NU higher education institutions with various stakeholders.
Masykuri was of the opinion that higher education institutions under the auspices of the country's largest Muslim organization must prepare themselves to always keep up with any development, especially in dealing with the industrial revolution 4.0.
The man born in Tuban also called for the importance of LPTNU to promote well-being and professional growth of all campus community members and build performance excellence in areas that are critical to their success.
He also added that LPTNU should keep empowering all individuals to fulfill their potential and supporting a culture of excellence.
Meanwhile, the director of postgraduate program of Lamongan Islamic University Dr. KH. Ahmad Suyuthi appreciated the appointment of Masykuri for being considered to have been capable of making UNISMA respected as one of the leading universities in Indonesia.
"I am very proud of his appointment as chairman of the Rectors' Forum of LPTNU. He has successfully made UNISMA as one of the outstanding universities in the country," he told NU Online here on Sunday (17/02).
He said that LPTNUs have fundamental responsibilities in fostering learning, creativity and productivity, and supporting the vigorous exchange of ideas and information both in the classroom and the work place environment.
"And what is important to note is that how we could maintain high ethical standards and demonstrate integrity, honesty and trustworthiness in all aspects," he said. (Masdar)
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