PPPA Daarul Quran warmly welcomed the visit of three senior Muslim clerics (sheikh) from Saudi Arabia on Monday (07/01), namely Sheikh Muhammad Ibrohim Al Luhaidan, Sheikh Muhammad At Turki, and Sheikh Sulthon Bin Nashir.
According to the release sent to Tempo news agency, the notable figures expressed their appreciation for the the Quran Memorization programs (PPPA) at Daarul Quran that has at least 151,000 congregates where 101 of them are dedicated Islamic students (santri) able to memorize the entire 30 Juz’ (sections) within the Quran.
During the visit, Sheikh Muhammad Ibrohim also had the time to teach through the institution’s ‘Quran call’ which is a free-of-charge learning facility upon memorizing the Quran via phone.
Other than visiting the PPPA Daarul Quran, the sheikhs also visited the Tahfizh Daarul Qur’an Islamic boarding school located in Ketapang, Tangerang City. The release also mentioned Sheikh Muhammad At Turki expressing his great appreciation for knowing the numerous santri studying there. (Masdar)
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