11 students of Philipines take part in UNUSA inauguration ceremony
Ahad, 21 April 2019 | 06:56 WIB
Not only from within the country, there are also many foreign students currently studying at the Surabaya's Nahdlatul Ulama University (Unusa). Even in the graduation procession in the 9th floor auditorium, 11 of them were from the Philippines.
The proud campus of the country's largest muslim organization has graduated 81 students, 11 of whom are from the Philippines. "The 11 foreign students came from Mindanau Philippines who received scholarships from the local government to study at Unusa," said Director of Academic and Student Affairs of Unusa, Umdatus Saleha, Saturday (20/4).
Umdatus explained 81 graduates came from Midwifery D3 (5 students), Nursing D3 (1), Ners Profession (1), Nutrition S1 (1), S1 Nursing (28), S1 Management (9), S1 PAUD Teacher (28), S1 Teacher Education (6) and S1 Information System (2). The 11 graduates from the Philippines consisted of 4 Nursing graduates, 3 Education graduates, elementary school teachers, and 4 management graduates.
At this year's Unusa Graduation Ceremony, there were 3 best graduates. First, Nurul Khikmawanti, S1 Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD), GPA 3.95 with the thesis "The influence of the team games tournament learning model on science subjects on creative thinking of fifth grade students of Al-Islah Elementary School Surabaya".
Second, Maria Trykurniati Maju, S1 Nursing, GPA 3.93 with the thesis "The Relationship between the level of knowledge with HIV / AIDS prevention behavior on expedition drivers at the ASDP Ferry Dock in Labuan Bajo, NTT".
Third, Gita Koes Herawati, S1 Management, GPA 3.61 with thesis "The influence of social competence on the success of business with the business network as a mediating variable at the Association of Indonesian Entrepreneur Women (Iwapi) City of Surabaya".
Umdatus said, Unusa had prepared graduates with skills and knowledge in accordance with the majors they had taken. They were given basic skills and competent soft skills to be able to compete in the job market.
"We also teach other skills. For example, the ability to communicate, use information technology, and have character and integrity. "Students must be given space to develop their creativity, so they can develop and sharpen their abilities and critical thinking, as well as improve their ability to work in teams," he explained.
The good news is that Unusa has a special institution to channel graduates to be absorbed in the workforce, namely the Unusa Career Center (UCC). Its function is to equip students and graduates to be ready to compete in the workplace. They will attend workshops and seminars on curiculum vitae preparation, training on job interview techniques, as well as providing information on job vacancies.
Unusa is also very serious in improving the quality of graduates through the development of various professional certifications to prepare graduates to be competent and ready to use. (Ibnu Nawawi/Masdar)
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