Tangeran, NU Online
Anshor general front (Banser) was expected to be a vanguard of the continuation of Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah (Aswaja) principles following the mushrooming religious movements in the name of the Aswaja.
“Banser can stand in the forefront to maintain and uphold the Aswaja from the undermining posed by ahlul fitnah wan jamaah line of thoughts,” said the leader of Islamic boarding “Pesantren” school Assidiqiyyah KH Nur Iskandar SQ while speaking at the North Jakarta’s Diklatsar III Satkorcab Banser in the pesantren Assidiqiyyah, Tangerang, Banten, Saturday (5/8).
<>Kiai Nur said that the spreading movements campaigning the principles of the Aswaja could be regarded as efforts to project an image of Islam within the frame of inappropriately sense. Many of those movements, he added, have strongly come into existence in the very extreme footing in nature either in the right extreme or in the left.“Tahlilan (such a religious ritual of repeated recitation of the confession of faith), visiting a sacred place in the light of NU line of thoughts, have been regarded by the right extreme as heresy and infidel. While in accordance with the left, everything is permissible, such as a woman can be a leader of prayers, and even it’s permissible not to perform such prayers,” kiai nur added.
He also pointed out that the existing religious movements have huge potentials to threaten the Islamic belief. Kiai Nur called this as “faith calamity”. “The faith calamity is more dangerous than physical one,” said Kiai Nur.
At the forum raising a theme “Enhancing spirit of honesty, discipline, and loyalty as fortresses of ulema, religion and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)”, Kiai Nur also cited that the Banser can be expectedly a guard of the ulema.
“If the ulemas have a comfortable place within society, there will be guarantee that the society will be in safety,” Kiai Nur added. (rif)
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