Habib Luthfi and Mbak Yenny to attend Gus Dur's death commemoration
Selasa, 30 Januari 2018 | 17:17 WIB
Forum Silaturahmi Nusantara (FSN) Tegal will hold the so-called Sewindu Haul Gus Dur (8-year commemoration of Gus Dur's death) on Saturday (3/2). The event that will be held at the Slawi's KORPRI building and takes the theme All for the Nation and the State will also be filled with interfaith prayers.
The chairman of FSN Tegal, H Muslih, said that the event was part of commemorating the late KH Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur).
"In addition to remembering the late Gus Dur, the event is also in the framework of commemorating the 3rd anniversary of Forum Silaturahmi Nusantara," he said on Tuesday (30/1).
According to Muslih, the event will also be enlivened by such appearances as Nusantara collaboration dance, sufi dance and the appearance of each religion.
"The committee provides a thousand invitations to all circles," he said.
The former chairman of Ansor Tegal added that the forum would also be filled with a sermon on nationality by the kharismatic ulema from Pekalongan, Maulana Habib Muhammad Luthfi bin Ali bin Yahya and several other figures.
A number of prominent figures are also present namely Zannuba Ariffah Chafsoh (Gus Dur's daughter) who is familiarly called as Mbak Yenny Wahid.
"(Present also are KH Amin Maulana Budi H from Semarang and Dewi Kanti from Kuningan," he concluded. (Hasan/Masdar)
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