Lamongan, NU Online
The Branch Board of Nahdlatul Ulama Center for Research and Development (LTNNU) of Lamongan has planned to publish a book which speaks about the history of NU in Lamongan, East Java. <>
The purposeful plan was raised on the sidelines of a meeting held by the Nahdlatul Ulama Institute for Human Resources Study and Development (Lakpesdam NU) and the LTNNU at the NU headquarters in Lamongan over the weekend.
In the meeting, NU senior clerics KH Zubair Umar and KH Abdullah Maun explained more about the history of NU in Lamongan, especially in dealing with those who have devoted themselves to develop the socio-religious organization in the region.
The meeting was aimed at, at least, enriching as many informations as possible, especially related to the events and the names of NU clerics in the early days of the NU establishment.
Chairman of the Lamongan's LTNNU Fathurrahman Sueb said, the statements of the speakers would be a reference in the writing of the history of NU in Lamongan.
"Hopefully, NU young cadres in Lamongan will find no difficulties in dealing with the history of NU," he said.
Editing by Sudarto Murtaufiq
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