The leader of Pesantren Queen Al-Azhar Darul Ulum, Rejoso Peterongan, Jombang Regency, East Java, KH Zahrul Azhar As'ad called on the nahdliyin (NU members) to actively preach in televisions and campuses for widely being used by the Wahhabis those who hold no Ahlussunnah wal jamaah teachings.
"The pesantren clerics (kiai) and alumni must be close to the world of campus and must be friendly with the world of media, especially television. If not, then do not blame if later our future leaders will come from among them," he told NU Online here on Tuesday (01/01)
According to him, years ago there was a media television protested by the nahdliyin for airing a program hosted by celebrities who suddenly complained about banning talqin and blaming prayer readings.
The man who is familiarly called as Gus Hans said he did not fully blame the private television. Because, all that happened because of negligence by the nahdliyin themselves in using television. In the 1970s and 1990s the pesantren kiai seemed reluctant to enter campus and stay away from the television world.
"Eventually there was a vacuum of da'wah. And there were groups teaching Islamic jurisprudence that were not mainstream. For those who have ever studied in pesantren, they could still filter and protect themselves. But for those whose lives are busy with work, what they convey can be swallowed up," Gus Hans said.
He asserted, the above incident should not happen again if santri could participate in da'wah on television. Santri littered fully with knowledge from Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) have a great opportunity to seize this missionary field as long as they want to be consistent and Istiqomah in preaching. (Syarif Abdurrahman / Masdar).
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