
Pagar Nusa committed to defending NU and the nation

Selasa, 13 Oktober 2015 | 11:52 WIB

Klaten, NU Online
For two days (10-11 / 10), some 50 members of the Nahdlatul Ulama's martiar arts group, Pagar Nusa Soloraya, participated in a self development traning in Pesantren Al-Muttaqien Pancasila Sakti Klaten, Central Java.
Chairman of the Kartasura's Pagar nusa Ghulam Abdurrahman explained the self-upgrading training was the closing ceremony of the series of activities having been held in their respective regions.

"We hope, this self-developemnt training can strengthen the identity of Pagar Nusa's members, and remind them of their main duties in maintaining the integrity of NU and the nation," said Ghulam.

Ghulam also added the training deliberately centered at the late Mbah Liem-led pesantren was also intended to take the spirit of the Mbah Liem's struggle.

"Our main task is clearly becoming a leading bastion for the ulema (Muslim scholars), and by taking the spirit of the Mbah Liem's struggle we also want to bring a sense of nationalism in carrying out our task of keeping the nation of Indonesia," he said.

During the event, the Pagar Nusa's members from Klaten, Solo, and Kartasura also visited the tombs of Mbah Liem and Ki Ageng Gribik in Karang Anom, Klaten Central Java.

"Everything we are doing is aimed at preparing moving cadres that are  militant and ready physically, mentally, ethically and spiritually," Ghulam said. (masdar)