Pesantren empowerment in need of collaboration with other stakeholders
Kamis, 21 Maret 2019 | 04:47 WIB
The synergy between the so-called Rabithah Ma'ahid Islamiyyah (RMI) and the Malang Regency NU Agricultural Development Agency (LPPNU) of Malang should be emulated and appreciated for having launched a pesantren-based community empowerment program.
For that reason, the NU autonomous body conducted a pesantren-based community empowerment workshop focusing on dealing with mushroom cultivation.
The chairman of LPPNU Malang H Hamim Nahdlatul Ulama told NU NU Online on the sidelines of the Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Training in Pesantren Al-Huda Patokpicis, Wajak, Malang on Wednesday (20/3).
"Empowerment in Islamic boarding schools does have to involve many parties, it cannot work alone. If necessary, there must be synergy between institutions and autonomous bodies in the NU environment," he said, adding that it had initially been communicated with the East Java's LPPNU and RMI.
"The embryo of the program is from the idea of LPPNU ​​Malang. Then this was communicated with several parties such as the chairmen of the East Java LPPNU and RMI," he said.
The workshop was attended by delegates from Malang and several regions in East Java, such as Bojonegoro, Lumajang, Kediri, Banyuwangi, and even Lampung.
"(Due to) the pesantren empowerment workshop in the field of cultivating oyster mushrooms, more than 4000 baglogs have been waiting for harvest. And in the implementation LPPNU and RMI have collaborated with the Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University of Malang and PT Perusahaan Gas Nasional (PGN) Tbk," he explained.
In the near future, at the initiative of the RMI similar workshops will also be held in other pesantren. Malang is an example. "This kind of activity as said by the RMI chairman will also be carried out in other pesantren," Hamim said. (Ahmad Nur Kholis / Masdar)
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