'FDS not based on well-organized education grand design'
Senin, 21 Agustus 2017 | 05:32 WIB
The controversy of Full Day School (FDS) policy issued by the Minister of Education and Culture Muhadjir Effendy has shown that the policy is not based on a good and solid education grand design.
It is the same as other controversial policies signed by previous ministers on national examinations, curriculum, and so on. This condition has increasingly fueled such public cynical views as changing the minister, changing the policy, even changing the president.
Secretary General of the Anti-Discrimination Movement (Gandi) Ahmad Ari Masyhuri made the statements sent to NU Online on Monday (21/8).
"These policies are not only disturbing the public, but also troubling the teachers themselves. If this happens continuously, where will actually the future of this national education go?" asked Ari who is also a lecturer of the Pamulang University, South Tangerang, Banten.
According to Ari, the policy on education should be reviewed comprehensively and pursued through systematic steps, in terms of its substance and its procedural aspects.
From the aspect of substance, the government already has the data bank of the problems and the designs of national education. From the procedural aspect, the government already has so-called Long and Medium Term Strategic Plan as well as a national education policy roadmap.
"So, never suddenly issue a policy that descends from the sky, which is not reflected in the data bank of (the ducational) problems and the existing policy roadmap. Moreover, there is no academic studies based primarily on empirical data, as well as input from existing stakeholders and serious socialization to the community," Ari said.
Therefore, according to Ari, President Jokowi's plan to issue the Presidential Regulation on Character Building Education as a substitute for Permendikbud No. 23 of 2017 should be prepared comprehensively and systematically.
"Do not let the would-be Presidential Regulation only add unnecessary public noise," Ari said. (Fathoni/Masdar)
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