
Kiai Sahal's pesantren launches takhassus program

Selasa, 13 Januari 2015 | 03:17 WIB

Pati, NU Online
The Islamic boarding school (pesantren) founded by the late KH Sahal Mahfudh, the former supreme leader of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), launched the so-called Pesantren Takhassus Ushul Fiqh, a special program focusing on the principles of Islamic jurisprudence, at Pesantren Maslakul Huda (PMH) Putra Kajen, Margoyoso, Pati, Central Java, on Monday (12/01).<>

Present at the occasion were KH Aziz Yasin (senior figure of Kajen) and Abdul Moqsith Ghozalie (lecturer at State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta).

In his speech as the leader of PMH Putra, KH Abdul Ghoffar Rozien, popularly known as Gus Rozien, said that the pesantren takhassus was aimed at realizing the ideas and legacies of Kiai Sahal.

"Pesantren takhassus is an attempt to explore both Kiai Sahal's thoughts and ideas in addition to preserving his ideas on the importance of social fiqh," Gus Rozien said.

He expected those studying at the pesantren to be capable of understanding the science of Islamic laws, especially in the field of fiqh and ushul fiqh in addition to becoming driving forces of society.

Gus Rozien added that the pesantren was particularly for santri (students) who have mastered the religious texts, but are in need of the deepening and understanding of both fiqh and ushul fiqh.

Meanwhile, Kiai Aziz Yasin was very pleased with the presence of the Takhasus program.

Kiai Yasin then spoke about the process of learning and struggle of Kiai Sahal in disseminating the ideas of social fiqh.

At the ame time, Abdul Muqsith Ghozalie, asserted that the pesantren takhassus had become an important option amid today's religious challenges, saying that the Kiai Sahal's ideas of social fiqh were incredible.

"He has started since (his involvement in) Islamic boarding school, then continued in NU. The 1984 NU Congress in Situbondo became an unforgetable historical record about the Kiai Sahal's role in developing the ideas of social fiqh," Moqsith said.

Moqsith added, it's time for Islamic boarding schools to pioneer specific studies, saying that the program initiated by the PMH Putra was very important.

"Now it is necessary to have Islamic law experts who do not only master the text, but also understand the context. No less important, NU young intellectuals should formulate answers to address today's religious challenges," he concluded.

Editing by Sudarto Murtaufiq