Minister of Religious Affairs appoints 9 Masyayikh Council members
Kamis, 30 Desember 2021 | 13:59 WIB
Jakarta, NU Online
Minister of Religious Affairs (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas has officially inaugurated the Masyayikh Council consisting of nine clerics (kiai) and female clerics (nyai). The inauguration was held at the H.M. Rasjidi, Jalan MH. Thamrin, Central Jakarta on Thursday (30/12).
Minister Yaqut said the Masyayikh Council was a form of state recognition of the uniqueness of Islamic boarding school (pesantren) education through a quality assurance process carried out from, by, and for pesantren.
"Law Number 18 of 2019 concerning Pesantren mandates the formation of the Masyayikh Council as an important instrument to realize the Pesantren Education Quality Assurance System," said Minister Yaqut.
Minister Yaqut explained that the Masyayikh Council was an independent institution whose membership comes from the Masyaykh Council. The mechanism for selecting the Council is carried out by Ahlul Halli Wal Aqdi (Ahwa) who come from elements of the government, associations of national-scale Islamic boarding schools.
"A long process has been carried out to be able to determine the members of the Masyayikh Council, starting from the formation of Ahwa, the selection of candidates, until finally those who are selected based on the Islamic religious knowledge clump," explained Gus Yaqut.
"As the Minister of Religious Affairs, I am of the view that this is the best result of all of our efforts, along with the hope that is pinned on the elected members of the Masyayikh Council to be able to bring Islamic Boarding School Education to be more superior in responding to the challenges of the times," he added.
On the same occasion, Muhammad Ali Ramdhani, Director General of Islamic Education, explained that based on the Ahwa's proposal, the Minister of Religious Affairs assigned an odd number of members of the Masyayikh Council, namely at least nine people and at most 17 people, representing the Islamic religious knowledge group.
The determination of the Masyayikh Council for the first solemn period in 2021-2026 refers to the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs Number 1154 of 2021.
"We hope that through the momentum of the Inauguration of the Masyayikh Council, we can strengthen the system and quality of pesantren, in terms of both institutions and graduates, so that in the future the contribution of students can always answer the challenges of an increasingly complex era," said Ramdhani.
The following are the nine names confirmed as members of the Masyayikh Council:
1. KH Azis Afandi (Miftahul Huda Islamic Boarding School, Manonjaya, Tasikmalaya, West Java)
2. KH Abdul Ghaffar Rozin, M.Ed (Maslakul Huda Islamic Boarding School, Kajen, Pati, Central Java)
3. Dr. KH Muhyiddin Khotib (Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Islamic Boarding School, Sukorejo, Situbondo, East Java)
4. KH Tgk Faisal Ali (Mahyal Ulum Al-Aziziyah Islamic Boarding School, Aceh Besar, Aceh)
5. Nyai Hj Badriyah Fayumi, MA (Massina Darul Qur'an wal Hadith Islamic Boarding School, Bekasi, West Java)
6. Dr KH Abdul Ghofur Maimoen (Al-Anwar Islamic Boarding School, Sarang, Rembang, Central Java)
7. KH Jam'an Nurchotib Mansur/Ustadz Yusuf Mansur (Darul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School, Tangerang, Banten)
8. Prof. Dr. KH Abd. A'la Basyir (Annuqoyah Islamic Boarding School, Guluk-Guluk, Sumenep, East Java)
9. Dr Hj Amrah Kasim, Lc, MA (IMMIM Putri Islamic Boarding School, Pangkep, South Sulawesi)
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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