Jakarta, NU Online
Efforts to internationalize moderate (wasathiyah), balanced (tawazun), and tolerant (tasamuh) Islam as preserved by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) continue to be carried out by all elements of Nahdlatul Ulama. Through internationalization programs and various international level friendship forums, NU has established communication with various elements in the Muslim world across schools and countries, as well as strengthening NU's identity disseminating Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (Aswaja) teachings at the global level.
At the end of 2021, Nahdlatul Ulama Afghanistan (NUA) held the 2021 Annual Conference with the theme "Nahdlatul Ulama of Afghanistan and the Social and Political Situation of the Country" on Thursday (30/12/2021).
NU Afghanistan is an organization founded by Afghan clerics, the majority of whom are Pashtuns. NU Afghanistan was founded by Fazal Ghani Kakar who is also the Managing Director of the Noor Educational & Capacity Development Organization (NECDO) which is mostly engaged in empowering women and is the implementer of the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), one of the United Nations (UN) agencies for the empowerment of Afghan women.
There are five principles adopted and developed by NU Afghanistan, namely moderation (tawasuth), balance (tawazun), tolerance (tasamuh), justice (i'tidal), and musharaka.
The event, which was held at the NU Afghanistan Main Office in Kabul, was opened by Ahmad Noor Waqif as the current Chairman of NU Afghanistan. This conference presented KH As'ad Sa'id Ali, Deputy Chairperson of the 2010-2015 Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Central Board, and Prof. Salahuddin Kafrawi, Rais Syuriah of the United States and Canada Nahdlatul Ulama Special Branch Board (PCINU AS-K).
On that occasion, As'ad touched on the importance of the role of ulama (Muslim scholars) in developing moderation in Islamic da'wah (propagation). He said that the Islamic concept of wasatiyah was very relevant, in the Qur'an this concept was also placed in an important position as the wasathan ummah.
Meanwhile, Prof. Salahuddin touched on how to strengthen the understanding of moderation among Muslim communities who are now experiencing a lot of diversity in the context of contemporary global society.
He cited the Qur'an Surah Al Baqarah (2) verse 143 as a proof that Allah swt wanted Muslims to behave as wasatan (moderate people). In addition, how Islam should be carried as a mercy for the universe (rahmatan lil alamin) as stated in the Qur'an Surah An-Nisa (4) verse 104.
"Islam has absolute or mutaqaddimat values such as wahdah (unity), adalah (justice), rahmah (compassion), as well as the principles of maqashid sharia which are fundamental values in Islamic teachings." he added.
"Wasatiyah or moderation which includes tawassut, i'tidal, tawazun, and iqtisad is one of the mutaqaddimat, absolute values in Islam," added the lecturer at Hobart and William Smith Colleges New York.
"Meanwhile, in addition to mutaqaddimat, there are relevant values according to variables in Muslim society or mutaghayyirat that merge with existing cultural acculturation, such as Islam with Indonesian characters and Islam with Afghan characters," added Prof Salahuddin, when explaining how to interpret moderate Islam in society.
Another speaker was Ms Husnia Tooba, explaining how NU Afghanistan supported women's rights to education and social participation. Also in attendance were several figures from other Nahdlatul Ulama (PCINU) Special Branch Boards, such as Rais Syuriah from the PCINU of the Russian Federation and Northern Europe, Mustasyar and Tandfiziyah of the Sudanese PCINU, Rais Syuriah and Tanfidziyah of the PCINU Pakistan, and the Chairman of the US-Canada PCINU.
Contributor: Badat Alauddin
Editor: Sudarto Murtaufiq
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