The third International Conference of Islamic Scholars (ICIS) initiated by the Indonesia's biggest Muslim organization, Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) may be considered as such momentous event to at least address conflict in Palestine.
The prayer leader of al-Aqsa Mosque, Palestine, Dr. Islamil Nawahdah expected the world forum taking up issues on peace building and conflict prevention in the Muslim world to help free al-Aqsa Mosque and struggle for Palestinian independence.<>
Ismail brought hope to Indonesia in dealing with the Paletinia struggle. "Hopefully the ICIS can be main factor uniting Palestinians and help international diplomation for the Palestinian independence," he told reporters on the sidelines of the ICIS at the Jakarta's Borobudur Hotel on Wednesday (30/7).
He said, so far the Palestinian independence had not been materialized because of internal factors like conflicting factions between Hamas and Fatah whose no similar platform in struggle.
"I have ever been to European countries. Generally they have fully supported the struggle of Palestinians. The fragility of the unity of Palestinians has always been main focus," he said.
Ismail said, there were always efforts taken by Palestinian leaders in leading to the unity in the country. But the various efforts have most of the time met faults and failure for each party tends to focus more on its own interest.
"Whereas if we are in unity, expelling Israel from Palestine is an easy matter. The independence for Palestine is not impossible thing," he said.
While international diplomacy, Ismail said, had great influence in determining the independence for the Islamic country. So far the negotiations between Israel and Palestine have always come to a deadlock, he said.
It is inevitable that at present Israel is one of Middle East countries whose the most sophisticated defense system. Its supporting technology is also most modern. All this is because of fully support from United States and the West. This scene has absolutely troubled Palestinians' struggle," Ismail said.
For that reason, Ismail did expect all participants of the NU's world forum to pay more attention to the struggle of Palestine. As for him, the struggle of Palestine was the struggle of Muslim countries all over the world because there is one of holiest places for Muslims in the country.
"The Muslim population in the world is very large and Indonesia is the most populous Muslim country in the world. All this should be played as a pressure group," he said. (hir)
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