The Department of Youth Sports and Tourism (Disporapar) Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan held the so-called Kapal Pemuda Nusantara (KPN) under the auspices of the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora RI).
The activity was attended by Kubu Raya students and youth from various sub-district delegations. The selection was centered in the hall of the Muhammadiyah Da'wah Center, located on Jln A Yani 2 Kubu Raya, Saturday (30/3).
On that occasion, Tanya Kardila representing the Nahdlatul Ulama Female Student Association (IPPNU) expressed her emotion and happiness for being able to take part in this prestigious national event.
"I am very grateful for this opportunity and won second place," said the Pontianak-born girl.
At the same time, the student of the Faculty of Sharia Islamic Economics IAIN Pontianak also hoped that what she achieved could be an example for young people.
"Especially IPNU and IPPNU cadres to be motivated to care more about the sea," she said.
On this occasion, Kardila invited young people to continue to explore their potential to be able to compete healthily towards a more prosperous life.
"Also developing interests and talents through culture and art," the Secretary of the Ambawang IPPNU said. (Ulil/Masdar)
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