Minister of Youth and Sports Imam Nahrawi encouraged pesantren (Islamic boarding school) students to become Indonesian icons in the field of sports and millennial generation creativity. Islamic boarding schools had great potential due to the diversity of their natural talents and diverse origins.
The minister made the remarks when he opened the Bahrul Ulum Tambakberas santri soccer match, Jombang, East Java in the field of Untung Suropati, Friday (8/2). This match is to commemorate the Anniversary of Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School (Humapon).
"I really appreciate this Humapon league, as students , they must be able to make new things. Santri must be enthusiastic in participating in activities like this," the minister said.
According to the minister, to show that santri could become an icon of the Indonesian nation in the future, Tambakberas santri could become an example of santri in the national arena later.
"The seeds that appeared in the pesantren were then specifically recruitted, so that when there is a santri league they could be involved," he said.
He was also very impressed with the santri-style football match. The majority of supporters used sarongs and wore skullcaps. Thousands of santri mingled with pesantren leaders to watch football matches, the family atmosphere was very nice.
Imam Nahrawi was shocked to see this santri-style football match for being enlivened by a commentator. Imam then came closer to the commentator and looked closely at him. humorous commentators made Imam laugh out loud. (Syarif Abdurrahman / Masdar)
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