Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) are believed to be able to adapt to the industrial revolution 4.0 for considerably having human resources and adequate infrastructure to deal with it.
The leader of Pesantren Bahrul Ulum Silo, Jember, KH Hodri Ariev made the remarks while speaking at a religious gathering held at pesantren Miftahul Ulum Taman Baru, Glagahwero, Kalisat, Jember, East Java, Saturday (1/5).
According to him, pesantren must be optimistic in responding to possible challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0. Because by doing so, the pesantren is pushed to keep advancing.
He said, the key to optimism for pesantren was the teachings of the Asy'ariyah that fate is God's prerogative while human authority is just striving.
"Because our duty is to endeavor, we should not be pessimistic, let alone desperate to improve things and to move forward. Pesantren must be able to address the challenges of the era, including the industrial revolution 4.0," he said.
He asserted that the industrial revolution 4.0 marked by massive changes in all internet-based ones raising a quite irony challenges. Namely humans tend to be controlled by the internet and not otherwise.
"This is where hoaxes and slanders arise," he said, adding that all this could also result in the emergence of "instant preachers who spread the rigid and hateful Islamic understandings." (Aryudi AR/Masdar)
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