Students learn Islam Nusantara in Pesantren Mergosono
Rabu, 8 Juni 2016 | 07:36 WIB
Malang, NU Online
Around 250 students of State Senior High School 02 Malang visited Pesantren Salifiyah Safi'iyah (PPSS) Nurul Huda Mergosono Malang, East Java. They would attend a two day seminar as part of their participation in the so-called Pesantren Ramadhan.
They will have more information about issues of pesantren (Islamic boarding schools), the teachings of Ahlussunnah wal jamaah (Aswaja), character education, and basic knowledge about Islam in the archipelago or popularly known as Islam Nusantara.
According to KH M Isyraqun Najach, one of the leaders of PPSS Nurul Huda that Islam is universal and a blessing for the universe (rahmatan lil 'alamin), saying that the presence of Islam Nusantara did not limit its universality.
"Islam Nusantara has its own characteristics that are different from others. Islam entered the archipelago not through war but could keep up with the (local) cultures," he said.
KH Achmad Shampton, the leader of PPSS Nurul Huda that is engaged in education and instruction said that the Islam Nusantara material discussed in the seminar would focus on the introduction of cultural acculturation.
Islam Nusantara would be presented with a simple explanation which includes the understanding of Islam Nusantara, the history of Islam in the archipelago, the preaching patters of the nine saints in propagating the teachings of Islam in the archipelago, the characteristics of Islam Nusantara, and the correlation between Islam and culture.
Through the Islam Nusantara seminar, there would be also be highlighted celebrations of students after their graduation that are often expressed negatively through a convoy of motorcycles, offensive graffiti on shirts, even binge drinking and so on.
While the material about pesantren is part of supporting the National Movement of so-called Ayo mondok (let us go studying in pesantren) that was launched on June 1, 2015. The movement coordinated by the Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama Rabithah Maahid Islamiyah (RMINU) has finalized work programs to formulate the technical ones, orientation and recommendations of by holding its first national gathering in Pasuruan. (Masdar)
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