The Regional Board of Ansor Youth Movement of Central Java received an award from the World Indonesia Achievement Institute (LEPRID) for initiating 4 Pillars of Nationality Campaign in cultivating the national brotherhood with the largest participants, amounted to 1,066 participants.
The award was achieved through the so-called L4RI. RUN 10K and 3K titled Cultivating the Brotherhood held by Ansor in Central Java with the Jesuit Indonesian Alumni Association (AAJI), at Semarang City Hall on Sunday (10/14/2018).
The award was given directly by the Director and Founder of the World Indonesia Achievement Institute (LEPRID) Paul Pangka to the Chairman of Ansor Central Java H Sholahudin Aly.
Paulus Pangka said that he really appreciated the event.
"We appreciate GP Ansor in initiating this agenda. Our impression is that there is a brotherhood movement through the 4 pillars of nationality, namely Pancasila, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, NKRI, UUD1945. This must be maintained carefully for Indonesia, one of which is through sports," Paulus said.
In addition to the record created by Ansor of Central Java, similar awards were also given to AAJI, there were also other records, namely a running competition with the highest number of participants of 42 batches from Kolese Loyola High School.
There were also other record awards given to SMK PIKA Semarang, and Kolese Loyola High School. (Abdullah Alawi/Masdar)
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