Surabaya, NU Onlline
The Recommendation Commission of Nahdlatul Ulamas 33rd Congress has urged the Central Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) to avoid the ideology of violence and radicalism through the religion and others.
"We urge NU to effectively prevent the influences of violent and radicalism ideology such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)," the Recommendation Commission chairman Masduki Baidlowi said here on Thursday.
He noted that to prevent the influences of radicalism such as ISIS, the country's largest Muslim organization should develop educational curriculum, both formal and non-formal.
"NU needs to develop an educational curriculum that can systematically prevent the ideology of violent and radicalism from entering Indonesia," Masduki remarked.
In addition, NU also urges the government to act decisively and prevent the spread of the ideology and movement of ISIS and the like in Indonesia.
"It is because NU sees ISIS and other transnational extremist ideologies as a serious threat to world peace and the existence of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)," he noted. (masdar)
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