Jakarta, NU Online
KH Ma’ruf Amin visited Nyai Sinta Nuriyah, Gus Dur’s wive at her residence, Warung Silah 10 street, Ciganjur, south Jakarta on Wednesday (9/26) morning.
At this moment, Mahfud MD and several Madura ulemas also presented at Gus Dur’s home. While, Nyai Sinta Nuriyah accompanied by one of her daughters, Yenny Wahid.
As information that got by NU Online, Kiai Ma’ruf stated that, he was a close friend of Gus Dur since they were still young. When Gus Dur was general chairman of NU, he was secretary of supreme council (katib aam).
“Gus Dur was my old friend since we were young. After Gus Dur died, a good relationship continued with his family. I was a santri of Tebuireng which founded by grandfather of Gus Dur, Hadratusyekh KH Hasyim Asy’ari as well,” he explained.
Kiai who always use sarong has a good relationship with dzuriyah (descentant of Rasulullah) as well, namely habaib. After meeting with Ms Sinta Nuriyah, he would meet with Habib Salim bin Jindan.
The meeting would be carried out around 01.00-03.00 pm at Rumah Situbondo, at Situbondo 12 street, Menteng, Central Jakarta.
At the same day, around 05.00-06.00 pm, Kiai Ma’ruf would meet representative of Hajj Brotherhood (Persaudaraan Haji) from all part of Indonesia region. (Abdullah Alawi)