Jakarta, NU Online
General Chairman of Indonesian Muslim Workers Union (Sarbumusi), H. Ali Junaidi SH has said that Sarbumusi disagreed over the new province minimum wage (UMP) having been set up in regions like Jakarta dan Banten.
As said, from Rp 1.5 million being proposed, the Jakarta’s administration has just agreed the minimum insurance amounted to Rp 900.650. While in Banten especially in Tangeran dan Cilegon, it amounted to Rp 882.500.
<>He said that the mechanism in determining the wage was hard to cope though it had involved authoritative circles such as workers union, businessmen, and the government in terms of the minimum insuranceThey should expectedly undertake a survey related to 48 kinds of items being indicators of reasonably comfortable life necessities. But in fact, they couldn’t do the obliged tasks consistently.
“Of course, the achieved result was different if the survey is carried out every month, and if only three times a year,” Junaidi said.
On account of the limited budget, the survey had been just undertaken several times within a year. So the problems were, again, subject to the provided budget.
The weaknesses of the workers themselves could be also regarded as factors unable them to negotiate with businessmen whose of course capital and wide interesting. Qualifications as at least three-year-diploma (D3) for regency and strata one (S1) for province as members of the wage council have been still difficult to fulfill in regions. (mkf)
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