Youth organizations should have the courage as the front guard in maintaining the integrity of the nation, because in an era of information as it is today, social media has become the main tool of propaganda in dividing the nation's unity.
The Ansor Regional Coordinator, Saleh Ramli, made the remarks of the sidelines of an inauguration of Central Halmahera chapter of Ansor at the Falcino Hall Weda city on Tuesday (19/9).
"Strengthening knowledge capacities at youth level, especially Ansor should be the main pillar in strengthening the organization so that each cadre of Ansor has broad insight and strong character in maintaining the integrity of NKRI," said Ramli.
Chairman of the North Maluku's Regional Board of Ansor, Salim Taib, said North Maluku "is a new province expanded because of the horizontal conflict between religious believers.
"This history is a valuable experience for religious harmony in North Maluku. The presence of Ansor in Central Halmahera should be a pioneer in building awareness of unity and nationality at the community level," he continued.
In addition, the presence of Ansor was also expected to contribute to stem the flow of terrorism movement creating religious divisions, and be ready to go hand in hand with the government in pushing purposeful programs for the nation, give their best services relentlessly to the formation of cadres in upholding the NKRI.
"Engaging in an organization according to Ibn Khaldun is a divine obligation and command, because it is such a basic human character that could be as part of the so-called sunnatullah," he said.
Meanwhile, Chairman of Ansor Central Halmahera Muhammad Rizky said the management of Ansor Central Halmahera would be different from other youth organizations.
"Ansor has become a consolidation mechine driving youth in responding to any emerging religious issues, nationality and ready to become the bastion of the Muslim scholars in guarding the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)," said Rizky. (Aizh Doank / Masdar)
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